1861: Residents of Kansas Sit Around Waiting to Find Out What Side of the Civil War They’re On

Eventually citizens of The Sunflower state were informed they were going to be fighting on the side of The Union, not that either side were particularly excited about having them.

Comments 4

  1. XRTO says:

    As a result, they got Quantrill and two of his better known underlings, Frank and Jessie James. He who hesitates doesn’t seem like a good thing here.

  2. Carl says:

    Kansas? Hmm, thanks for mentioning , i had seriously forgotten about Kansas!!’

  3. Joe Biden says:

    I remember it well. I was sorta raised in an okie neighborhood. Tough times. Pop corn was a bad dude, he ran some bad boys. They smoked tumble weed at the pool and put a stick in bike spokes when I rode by

    • Ramses says:

      I guess jho buy Deng was raised in every ethnic neighborhood in America. But that’s probably because he doesn’t remember. What an imagination!! Either Delaware is a state of fools, or they perfected election fraud.

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