1920: Prohibition Devastates the Karaoke Industry

Although the issue of alcohol sales fiercely divided the country for years, most people agreed that there was no way in hell they were going to go to a karaoke bar while sober. Once prohibition was repealed 13 years later, karaoke’s role in American nightlife was secured for the foreseeable future.

Comments 10

  1. A. B. Murphy says:

    Who cares??

    • Nathan Hale says:

      I do. You are not the only person on the planet.

      By the way, are you a democrat?

  2. A. B. Murphy says:

    Who cares?!?

    • Nathan Hale says:

      Are you ADHD?

      If not, why are you repeating yourself?

  3. Mark Droz says:

    Too bad for those who don’t drink.

  4. 2004done says:

    Thank goodness it didn’t bring about “the BeeGee’s Disco” until we had half-a-century to prepare for that flash-in-the-pan.

    • Mick says:

      Are you kidding? Playing The Bee Gees on my 8 track got me layed every time I put the top down!!

  5. Gary Brown says:

    You’re losing your touch; this one is pretty stupid.

  6. Nathan Hale says:

    You sound like an expert on stupidity. How were you able to earn your talents in this area?

  7. Randy Tracy says:

    The Japanese word ‘kareoki’ translates into English as “drunken loser”.

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