POLL: What’s Next For Hunter Biden?

POLL: What’s Next For Hunter Biden?

Comments 21

  1. Barbara Hagerty says:

    Everyone knew joking Joe would excuse his son’s behavior. That family is so crooked I’m surprised they can stand on two feet. A total disgrace for this country. With Mr Oblama at his back what did we expect? Two masters of deception!

    • 2004done says:

      “Everybody knew????” I was shocked, I tell you. Absolutely F-ing shocked. I wonder what the grand-daughter might think about her grandfather and crack-addled father celebrating holy-days at the White House without her (if she happens to see them on TV).

  2. Barbara Hagerty says:

    See a I e!

  3. If Joe can pardon his crackhead son and not be prosecuted for gun violations. then all the j6 people who didn’t commit real crimes should be released now. Go after the real criminals like Hillary,Pelosi ,AOC ,Cheney, operand talib.

  4. 3Xe1ioaiNITxtqNW5CaZEzpxpY4ggtEQJVxO4x0v98I= says:

    going back 10 years really, 2014 until 2024
    gee how much dirt is there, including obomba
    gee nixon only got 5 years pardoned and he was president
    hunter is what is a spoiled brat with special privileges and daddy is abusing his presidential power,
    so now we can be on crack, meth, coke, etc to purchase a gun,
    and you will have to remove ALL the questions on the application to own a gun,
    and TAXES for ten years for he must be in the sharpon club

  5. CornPop says:

    Biden teases forever “Pardons for All Democrats”… except for all those who were involved in the Coup d’etat against him!

  6. Anonymous staffer says:

    Jill had to be sure jho pardoned him, so he could continue to have sex with her. Jho forgot what that is, and Jill has needs! she tried commander, but being a dog and all, he bites her when he shoots.

  7. Lee says:

    Joe is nothing more than an enabler! That is why Hunter is the way he is. Always a reason for what he does and never having to take responsibility for anything….Bidens lie and Democrats back them up!!

  8. LT says:

    You know that Hunter threatened Joe with a “if I go to jail, you’re going to jail” Thanksgiving ultimatum. After all, if Hunter started singing and named names on all the crooked dealings he has been in on, the link of cell block buddies would be huuuuge.

  9. Denny says:

    Probably the best answer to the poll would’ve been All of the Above.
    I’m pretty sure we all knew from the outset that Brandon was lying. A pretty easy guess since he rarely told anything resembling the truth. He is the perfect poster boy for the DNC, but at least they have Gavin Newsom and AOC lining up to take up the torch and lie to us all for decades.

    • dakotahjoe says:

      Odd you can tell Biden is lying, but don’t see it when Trump is lying. Which is odd because Trump is always lying.

      • Ralph Tiegmeyer says:

        What did Trump lie about? You need to quit jerking off while watching the view. Ya mental midget.

  10. Old Man says:

    The entire Biden family is corrupt and an embarrassment to the United States.

  11. Monika says:

    PRISON time for as LONG as is possible..with much mental health help!!! He is NO DIFFERENT than anyone else who has addiction problems most likely the result of UNRESOLVED CPTSD. Indeed the majority of addicts…NO matter what the addiction is….more often then not, the “victims” of childhood trauma almost always develop addictions to just about anything!!. Seeing & healing as well as learning and watching his father it’s rather easy to guess that biden was NOT the “ideal” father!! And now although, if not his father…someone did something to Hunter…Hunter is now responsible for his actions and as such must face the consequences of his behaviors and get help at the same to change himself!

  12. MAGA Man says:

    Can some one tell me again how those 2020 & 2022 election were fair and legal?
    And, who in the MSM and those who watch it, believe Old Joe was not a P.O.S.?
    I have one more thing to say. All of you, who had your nose up this P.O.S. ass. FVCI<OFF!!!!!!!

    • dakotahjoe says:

      We don’t have to tell you if they were fair. YOU are the one saying they were not. In the US you have to prove something before it is true. There is not one hypothesis from the right about how the election was a fraud that has ever made it to even a hearing. Just because you are unable to accept a loss does not mean it was unfair. But you Maga Morons are all victims with hurt feelings.

      • Dennis Jacobson says:

        Dakota joe you are a Democrat and therfore no one cares about you..sorry you don’t like Trump but he is America first unlike you and your communist democrats keeping talking on your soap box..but realize no one cares about democrats anymore!!! Obama is gone…Woo-hoo!! Back to work for the rest of us. You go stand in a line joe to get your stuff..pos democrat

        • dkaotahjoe says:

          Typical, just call Dems names. But that’s what we expect from your side, since you don’t have any facts to hang your dirty socks on. You FEEL like nobody listens to you. Why would they. You FEEL like government is working against you. Though all you have a complaints about Gays and they price of milk. And I am the idiot?!?!? Such a Moron.

          • Cal says:

            Your first sentence and last sentence speaks volumes

      • Bud Crane says:

        How can 4 plus million more vote in 2020? 2024 broke records for turnout in almost all states. Mail in ballots and double counts are where the fraud is. All blue states where the DA won’t even look at it. The courts cannot investigate fraud. The evidence is there. Every democrat I know has an issue with critical thinking. Is Trump the best this nation has? NO! But, he’s light years ahead of any one the leftist can put up. So go ahead and believe in your fantasy world. You’re all heading towards extinction anyway.

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