POLL: Where Should Donald Trump Work Next?

Where Should Donald Trump Work Next?

Comments 6

  1. MAGA man says:

    One for the big boys & girls.

  2. Cindy Dandrea says:

    Trumps next big gig should be the White House—=he’d be damn good at that job also !!!!!!!! GO TRUMP !!!!!

  3. Samuel Quiroz Jr says:


  4. Eloise says:

    Next Job for Trump: President of the United States of America. I pray every day that God and MAGA voters will get Trump back in the White House. Unlike Democrat Communists who are working to destroy our country, Trump will work to restore liberty, truth, and justice, respect for law and order, respect for our Constitution, and will clean out all the corrupt, deceitful, woke, anti-America, ungodly, pro-Communist NWO Democrat traitors polluting our government agencies and departments and replace them with patriotic, well-qualified, non-woke leaders with integrity.

  5. Diana M OHearn says:

    I have faith in President Trump and remember what life was like when he was President. I sent in a donation for him and have never in my life made any political donation!
    Go, Trump!!

  6. Peter Morrocu says:

    Golf instrustor

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