In a dramatic escalation of political rivalry, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., has challenged President Trump to a street fight, sources have confirmed.
This unconventional call to arms came after a particularly heated exchange in Congress, where verbal jabs led Jeffries to propose settling their differences “old school style” in the streets of D.C.
“Let’s see if his policies are as tough as his punch,” Jeffries taunted from the steps of the Capitol, drawing cheers from some bystanders and bewildered looks from others. Trump, never one to back down from a challenge, responded on Twitter, saying, “Hope he fights better than he legislates!”
The proposed brawl has sparked a flurry of betting in Washington, with odds favoring neither as political analysts puzzled over the rules of engagement for a Congressional street fight. Suggestions have ranged from traditional boxing to a more theatrical WWE-style smackdown.
Security details are bewildered, and the Secret Service has quietly suggested that both parties stick to arm wrestling instead.
As of press time, Vegas oddsmakers were offering even odds on the fight, while a local D.C. gym offered to host and broadcast the brawl, branding it “The Battle of the Beltway.”
I got $200 on DJT
Jeffries would get his @ss kicked! Go Trump!
Gee a J6 look alike Sponsored by Democrat Leadership.
Democrats can only fight old people, President Trump is twice his age, but I would still put my money on President Trump to win, as he has stronger arms with playing golf lot, Jeffries only pushes pens around normally, he cannot win a argument in Congress never mind a proper fight. They always say when one side loses any argument, they always resort to the violence!!!!!!
If I were President Trump, my response to Mr. Jefferies would have been, “What are you, Fifteen!?”.
Naughty, 12 years old. Jeffries is pure juvenile.
Jeffries is a total MORON real men don’t fist fight or brawl GROW UP or get out.
Absolutely he’s Absolutely he’s A teenager
Isn’t that just like the Democrats ?All they want is Violence.Biden said the something.Will the Democrats ever grow up and act like adults ,And Shut upsecret What’s wrong with you services should have took his threat against out president. I guess they don’t like winning . Jeffrey’s is a dick head.
Richard Cranium!!
Jefferies is just looking for attention, he’s an idiot and complete loser. Go back to the ghetto where you belong clown.
Wow this Democrats are a bunch of Bulleys . No respect at all . That needs to stop they are not in office and people have the last word he got elected get over yourselves enough is enough .
Yes he needs to go back to the getto, where obviously he came from, certainly does not belong in congress. He’s a thug and maybe we can deport him. He is a joke and a embarrassment to true Americans but I expect this from a democrat. Jeffries you want a fight, bring it BOY!!! And believe me that’s all you are is a BOY.
Hey Jeffries, grow the hell up. You know you are pathetic. You and your cronies, Joe, Nancy, Chucky, Schiffy, and RASKIN have managed to wreck our world, destroyed, demolished, it’s disgusting . Ruined our country. Go find some college kids and challenge them to a fight. Grow up, you disgust me!
IFC should send someone. “President Trump is a busy man. I’m his second. Ready. set. Go !”
the demonrats like jefferies are also so dei it is pathetic why is it they cannot be fired for their incompetence
Sounds like a via le threat ago st President Trump maybe a few weeks in the gray bar hotel will cool hostile Jefferies jets.
Or the IRS can….. Im sure discover some insider trading abnormalities that might come to light.
Jeffries is a second-class fool. If Trump had done the same, you would all think it was out of line.
Having said that, Golf at the Doral would be a gentleman’s match.
Jeffries has always been an idiot. The voters need to turn their back on him. To make threats to our President should qualify him for an arrest warrant.
I’ll stand in for Our President , and beat you down like the dog that you are.
no es muy inteligente este H.Jeffries. Patético.
What a low life street person. First of all you can see there is an age difference I think he is an arrogant waste and shouldn’t even walk on same side of street as trump
Jefferies is showing his race’s propensity for violence. I wonder if he belongs to a local gang, or if he has a stolen car for sale? maxine stagnated waters said years ago to confront them where you find them. swift said this week to hang them. Democrats new motto is confront them and hang’em.
First off this DEI wasn’t even giving the majority of blacks These jobs! They were going to other minorities such as Hispanics Latinos India ppl. Since DEI started I still heard black Americans complaining that these jobs were NOT available to them.
Jefferies; “Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never is, but always to be blest.”
jeffries is a low life black POS with a big mouth. He should be thrown out of congress just suggesting to fight our president.
The comments here are so strange. I know the writing is supposed to be funny and satirical, but ot would be nice if the comments had some basis in fact rather than just blurting our hate speech. It is not Dems who are violent; it is Trump who threatens and bullies people and calls them names and then stirs up MAGAS to threathen violence to such an extent that they have to get and pay for security guards. Just count the number of people and see which side they are on and you’ll see it is the MAGAS who are violent. Try to look at facts.
Perhaps this will bring to light that many elected individuals who are Democrats are NOT DEMOCRATIC! Please educate yourself by looking up the definitions of those words if you do not know their meanings. Media seems to not be aware.
Great idea look yourself before mouthing off.
Put a sock in it lady. Spouting all your liberal bullshit.
Trump is 80 and he still will whip your butt clowns always lose.
Just shows you that Jeffries is just a typical DEI higher. No respect for a great President and he only got his job because of the color of his skin. Obviously it’s not because of his knowledge. Maybe he should go try to give in to the ring with Mike tysend.
Fight your way back to AFRICA where you belong?
President Trump. Let me be your champion. I would love to whip this arrogant punks @ss!
Trump already whipped Jeffries ass, and Joe’s, and Kamala’s, and Nancy’s and all the rest of em’s for that matter…
On November 5, 2024 !