Yesterday’s new episode of the popular X-Men ‘97 animated show on Disney+ introduced a surprising new character; former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
“Wow, I didn’t see that coming,” said Rich Brown, a fan of the show. “I’ve loved all of the references to the old X-Men cartoon from the ‘90s that I used to watch, but throwing Newt Gingrich into the mix just takes the nostalgia up a notch further. Wow. I can’t believe he survived that battle with Magneto.”
The episode, which saw Gingrich introduce a “Contract with America” that he aimed to have supported by both mutants and humans, garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews online.
“Best episode of the show yet,” said Ken Foley, television reviewer for Entertainment Weekly. “I loved the scene where Newt vetoed the legislation against mutants and instead forced the vote on a bill that would require all future tax increases to receive a three-fifths majority vote. Then he and Cyclops fought all those Sentinels! Incredible stuff. Can’t wait to see where it goes from here.”
As of press time, a trailer for next week’s episode of X-Men ’97 indicated that Gingrich would be entering into a love triangle with the Gambit and Rogue characters.