Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton were spotted sharing a power dinner in Washington, D.C., plotting their “Make Women Great Again” campaign for the next election, sources have confirmed.
The dynamic duo, reportedly considering a joint ticket, aims to bring an all-women powerhouse to the White House, leaving pundits wondering, “Who gets to be President and who agrees to be Vice?”
Over Caesar salads and a no-nonsense main course, Harris and Clinton sketched out their vision on a napkin, which insiders say includes turning the Oval Office into the “Oval Orifice” and replacing the Cabinet with an “Armoire of Authority.” “It’s time for the sisterhood to lead,” declared Harris, while Clinton nodded, adding, “Been there, almost did that.”
Their meal, charged to the ‘Future Female Leaders Fund,’ was a calculated move to solidify their commitment to breaking what Clinton calls “the highest, hardest glass ceiling, once and for all.”
As of press time, their potential campaign slogan “Hill-Kam 2024: It’s Her Turn, No Really, This Time We Mean It” was being workshopped, while male staffers at the DNC were seen updating their resumes, just in case.
They do not represent Women. We want nothing to do with them. They are losers and Traitors to America. Only Idiots would vote for them, or immigrants.
100% agree! Calling those two revolting b¡tches “women” is an insult to real women everywhere!
Definitely agree with you – NEVER CLINTON/HARRIS!!!!
would never ever vote for these two crooks
What a dynamic duo. Batbitch and Robber!!!😎
The looser team full of TDS – PMS – or Menopause but just full of Sh-t.
Nobody wants to see or hear from you two ever again you’re both a disgrace to
The country and yourselves.
Thank you for such a great response. I agree with you totally.
Dynamic duo? More like low life duo to me.
I agree with you totally. Can’t stand either one of them.
These 2 females do not speak for me and my guess is most women. All either other is interested in is power and control; they certainly are not 2 who respect the US constitution. And when all you focus on is getting women in power, you’re not working for the people. This woman would NEVER vote for either of them. God help us all should they ever run and win!!!
Again, I agree with this statement. God help us if they run in 2028.
If the democrats want a sure to lose ticket this is it. The only votes they would get would be the hard core democrats that are ticket voters. I would hope the democrats could come up with better more professional candidates than these two.
Two absolutely insane poor excuses for woman twiddle Dee and Twiddle DUMBER.
100% agree! Calling those two revolting b¡tches “women” is an insult to real women everywhere!
They are interested in power and NOT the people. They each lost once for good reasons.
Women can do better. I a woman, would never vote for them.
Kamala better watch out for the cigar!
Seems Trump has Plenty of Beautiful Strong Intelligent women in his Cabinet that clinton and harris can’t even shine their shoes in terms of just their intelligence!
Was the entree ‘Crow” or “Roadkill”?
These two will embarrass themselves and their party once again. Neither one has the integrity of a fruit fly. But ,”What difference does it make” spews Hillary! #GO AWAY
Not ready for Prime Time!
There you have it folks – in Black and White!
What the Heck!
They are not even ready for Saturday Night Live!