In a surprise appearance the night before his scheduled speech to close out the convention, presidential hopeful Donald J. Trump closed night three of the Republican National Convention by absolutely shredding a five-minute guitar solo, sources confirmed.
“Holy shit, when did he learn how to do that?” asked RNC attendee Cole Vernon, after Trump played a medley of songs including selected works from Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jimi Hendrix, and others. “He’s really feeling unstoppable these days. Between surviving an assassination attempt, and now melting the faces off of all of the gathered delegates here, he is entering the general election with so much momentum. Good luck, Joe!”
Representatives from Trump’s camp said that his guitar playing originally arose due to logistics.
“We kept getting told we couldn’t use this song or that song at our rallies,” Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita said. “Eventually we were down to only being able to play Village People songs. As fun as those are, we wanted to be able to mix it up. That’s when Trump started watching guitar tutorials on YouTube, and well, you’ve seen the results. He’s getting pretty good, huh?”
As of press time, rumors continued to swirl that tonight’s speech could end in a show-stopping drum solo performed by the 45th President.
He is a man of many talents!!! A solo playing President I love it !!! What a great guy our president is Donald J Trump !!!
Amen !!
I’m all in Donald Trump🥰
Amazing! Is there anything that he CAN’T do?!?
You jokers are quite funny, haha.
You must be a Biden guy !
No, he just understands this is satire.
Oooooh! I hope it is Inna Gadda Da Vida!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏😁
For Sure !
Now what part of close the border don’t you understand, don’t you close and lock the doors if your home every time you go out, you don’t make any plans to do that do you, it’s a very simple task, no plans needed!
Hope ur not LGBT or old or handicapped or are poor or have an illness or are another color than white ur in big trouble rights will be taken away diversity removed hiding using the guise of the church.👹
You are brainwashed and it is complete nonsense what you are saying it is a lie and you need to either educate yourself or go to another country if you actually know the truth but are spreading lies to do evil.
Well I agree his comment is not very clear, but I think he is saying what any non-MAGA person understands. The question is why are you not reading or listening to something that you don’t agree with? Can you explain how Donald would protect those LGBTQ folks from discrimination? What is the plan to protect the border? Always amazed that MAGA falls for all the rhetoric and does not know any details.
It’s not that difficult to go back to the border protocols that were in place before Joe opened the gates.
What discrimination? Stopping them from trying to trans gender kids, or drag queens reading to kindergarten children is not discrimination. Nobody cares who you love. It’s the lies that a man can become a women that’s causes issues. Just ask bud light. And the border? Where you been? Remain in Mexico works well, along with the wall and border patrol that does it job rather than babysitting and catch and release. Did you not pay attention to Trumps first term?
Are you one of the Deep State? Are you one of the ones that is going to Gitmo for your treason?
Dakotajoe thinks illegal migrants keep milk and bread prices low. That’s a sub moronic lefty for ya. He’s so stupid he thinks all illegals want to work and there are no lazy murdering gang members being allowed to roam free. He thinks a few raped and tortured children are worth cheap milk and bread. Migrants, illegal or not, have nothing to do with milk and bread. American farmers do, and work tirelessly to feed this nation and the world. We should all thank them!!!!!!’
Thank you for the word salad. Are you running to be Kamala’s aide de camp and speech writer?
Vote for the Convicted Felon with a Pierced Ear… you’ll be OK..
You are an idiot
This man has done more for this country than anyother president. He has done all the good for all the Americana people no matter what the color of your skin is or how old you are.
My my you are a frightened alleged lady person. And all of it totally fictional. You might consider calming yourself and go on a date with someone of your choice. There is more to life than hating God and Donald. Bless your little heart…..
Right exactly how he treated Blacks his first term starting the 2nd Chance initiative.heheh
Oh my. You are severely handicapped.
You are an idiot
This man has done more for this country than anyother president. He has done all the good for all the Americana people no matter what the color of your skin is or how old you are.
Maybe you are just a Racist just saying.
Sadly, you are a low-information voter who watches CBS, NBC, ABC, CBN, etc. Please get informed! Our country is on the brink of communism as our rights are being violated and you harp on diversity. 🤔
You poor thing. Get a grip. You Have Been drinking the laced Kool- Aid.
The louder the opposition’s noise gets reflects their growing panic!
This is the most reliable evidence of Democrats going bonkers over their first string players qualifications!
The joke is Trump draws bigger crowds with out a guitar! lol And now he can dodge bullets!! Got my vote!
Me too!
Apparently the artist knows nothing about guitars. He has nine tuners (also called machine heads.). I’ve never seen a nine-string guitar, six and twelve, but never nine. Of course I haven’t been around the world yet so there may be a nine-string guitar lurking out there somewhere.
Actually 9 string guitars do exist. The lows are single E, A and D strings the highs have double strings as a 12 stinger would have
But this is a 7 stringer and they also exist
You have to have something to complain about to remain a happy camper-you’re way off subject dude-who cares about how many strings is on that ole’ guitar? Next thing we know you’ll be saying it’s a base guitar instead of a rhythm or lead guitar- and again, who cares?
Satire…Never happened…
Ya think?!???
Trump is the best we ever had and will be again all the democrats do is make us poor they claim to be sending billions but they’re not THEIR NOT their fattening their own pockets I think they think they can take it with them got news for them they’re going to burn in HELL along with the money they have stolen from us if you want to live in a communist country go to a country that is leave us alone Why do you think why the people are coming here they don’t like being under the governments thumb Harris is lying to get the votes she hasn’t done anything in 4 YEARS I hope you people wake up and see that’s what she’s doing SHES a joke
Shirley, you’re absolutely correct !!
Wellll not exactly nothing. I’m sure some men got their knobs polished by Kamella toe the hoe in the last 4 years
Look I don’t care what someone’s orientation is. God made man to be with woman. But people are allowed to love who they feel love for. In the end it’s between them and God. The problem comes in when you force something on someone else. You shouldn’t be allowed to talk of sexual orientation in schools especially to those of highly impressionable age. I’ve worked in schools for years. One thing is evident in preschool and elementary school these kids can’t even decide what they want for lunch. Not sure if they are even ready to make decision that will change their lives. Permanently as college sophomores. They are easy targets for grooming and shouldn’t be subjected to that behavior. You can’t decide to change sexes at 4/5. The physiological damages can be devastating and lethal. Let them be kids
Also when you figure out the definition of TRUTH……. with one word…… there is no argument.
Truth is definitely just one word ••• GOD •••
Trump has more intelligence and common sense than 99% of his detractors. The most influential man of his generation – and he’ll continue to be, despite his jealous naysayers.