In an unprecedented display of agility and perhaps frustration, Tulsi Gabbard was spotted hurdling over members of the Senate Intelligence Committee during the vote for her nomination as Director of National Intelligence (DNI), sources have confirmed.
This athletic feat turned a usually staid procedure into a spectacle reminiscent of an Olympic hurdle race.
Gabbard, apparently fed up with the slow pace and the high tensions of the nomination process, took a literal leap over seated senators, stunning onlookers and sparking a flurry of camera flashes. “Why walk out when you can jump out?” Gabbard quipped, as she executed a perfect landing on the Senate floor, barely ruffling her suit.
Her impromptu steeplechase has left colleagues divided, with some praising her energy and others questioning the decorum of such actions. “It certainly added some excitement to the vote,” commented one amused senator, while another grumbled about the need for “hurdle-free discourse” in the chamber.
As of press time, a local high school track team invited Gabbard to coach their hurdlers, while the Senate janitorial staff was reportedly installing miniature hurdles along the aisles, just in case this becomes a new trend.
Note: Tulsi, great work showing just the right tactic for going over the heads of the self-serving, corrupt, witless politicians just taking up space in the senate. All you politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and most media folks, suggest most of you best do your research and educate yourselves on the details of envelopment operations for that is what Donald Trump is bringing to American government at every level (see message below). At least dig your foxholes deeper and add overhead cover. No telling what Tulsi is going to drop on your heads the next time she jumps over you. Have a nice day. Soldier/Cop, Retired
America, we are once again on the path to make America great again. Why? Because over 75 million of us have re-elected the very first true ‘Battle Captain’ to ever serve as our President and Commander-in-Chief. Why do I say Donald Trump is our first true Battle Captain? Because, Donald Trump is the first president to regularly demonstrate that the ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ are a part of his character. The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ listed in the order of their importance as determined in a 1980 survey of 1645 ground combat veterans are: CANDOR, COMPETENCE, COMMITMENT, CONSISTENCY, COURAGE, COMPASSION, and COURTESY.
As one of the army officers charged with finding a true Battle Captain among all those army officers serving this nation from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam Conflict, I can testify that we only found one officer who made the grade of ‘Battle Captain’. And, he like Donald Trump was not a professional soldier. A year before the Battle of Gettysburg he was a college professor, yet most historians credit him for saving the Union Forces left flank and forcing General Lee to commit his forces to a frontal attack which failed. The Battle of Gettysburg is generally credited as the turning point of the Civil War and lead to the surrender of the Confederate Forces two years later.
Donald Trump has proven that he is indeed a Battle Captain. He has turned the attacks on our flanks and now I am confident he will succeed in an overwhelming envelopment of all the forces trying to destroy America. God bless and protect Donald Trump, and God Bless and protect America as we help Donald Trump make America great again. I leave you with one question. Are you willing to fight for America, your family, and/or yourself?
Soldier/Cop, Retired
Donald Trump for the WIN
Tulsi Gabardine just demonstrated how much disrespect she has for proper procedures. Trump and his band of unqualified and ridiculous but kissers are going to ruin this country, NOT make it better. She should take the coaching job because she should not be confirmed.
Move to Delaware and you can cry with Biden and his greedy wife, Dr. whatshername!
A lefty lunatic chimes in. Tulsi’s an ideal fit.
You misspelled butt
Feo you are a f#cking moron!
You sound just like a bleeding heart liberal. Wipe the tears from your eyes and clean your runny nose, and get over all the hate that’s built up inside you. Get your hands dirty and help do something constructive for probably the first time in your lifetime. Stop complaining about everything that’s being done. Bunch of cry babies.
HEY B FEO….Why don’t you get the plane ticket to somewhere else other the the United States if that is how you Really Feel. I also agree with David that maybe you and crocked joe should get together and see if you can get signed on to the Talent Agency joe just became part of. Now that may be something you could do much better. I mean Just Look you are already a Half Assed Comedian.
Tulsi is an absolute gem with so much class to crown her smarts and invaluable sense for “the people”. How brilliant is Donald J Trump to see her amazing qualities. Tulsi you have my sincerest prayers and respect and God loves your heart as you earnestly are a truth seeker. Thank you for your great service.