In what is quickly becoming an annual tradition, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Agents Association (FBIAA) has urged Congress to let FBI agents continue their long-standing investigation into President Trump, sources have confirmed.
This request comes despite the investigation already being longer than any syndicated TV drama, with more seasons than “The Simpsons.”
“Every time we think we’re out, he tweets something, and we pull ourselves back in,” complained an anonymous FBI agent while sipping his third espresso of the morning. The FBIAA argues that ending the investigation now would be like stopping “Game of Thrones” before finding out who ends up on the Iron Throne, leaving agents “emotionally and professionally unfulfilled.”
Critics of the never-ending investigation suggest that the FBI might have better luck changing its approach, perhaps switching from thriller to reality TV formats to gain higher ratings and more conclusive results. Meanwhile, supporters insist that just one more season—er, year—will wrap up all the loose ends.
As of press time, the FBI was seen hiring more scriptwriters than agents, indicating a possible shift toward a more dramatic revelation in season 2028.
The FBI needs to STOP! Go after the BAD Guys and leave our President alone!!
As long as the far left bankers are funneling HUGE sums of money into the DOJ and Democrates this will continue.
The FBI is a disgrace. Hopefully, the new guy will be able to straighten it out and get rid of these worthless. Democrat creatures that have no idea what they’re real job is
Why not a full & independent investigation of the actions of the FBI with FULL Public disclosure >>
Investigate the FBI agents who have found nothing and continue to be paid with our taxpayer dollars .Of course they don’t want it to end .Duh .
…it’s over
The FBI as the Uniparty knows it is over…
…the man they interviewed is probably gone; fired or resigned
Kash ,start dismantling this pile of junk.
Fire the entire upper management of the FBI
and try them for treason. they’re still under the
control of the people who put them there.
‘”Trump Haters.”
Trump has been investigated for years already it is time to stop this nonsense and get back to doing their job. If they haven’t found what they want by now they are not going to in the future.
Funny, very funny.
Thanks, I needed a laugh.
Can’t believe this investigation is still going on. What a waste of money time and energy. Just think what they can really do with their time . Go after bad guys. They don’t respect the POTUS. Leave Trump alone. God pray for him. Thx
This is typical of a origination ran by the rat party. You start an illegal witch hunt or immigration program
and it goes sideways, You try it over and over.
It used to be a crime was committed and you searched for a suspect. Now, the FBI targets a person and searches for a crime or makes one up . This corruption of our justice system has to stop. We are not evolving we are devolving. 🤬🤬 I am still angry and will never forgive them for threatening General Flynn’s son to get Flynn to lie. The FBI needs to be completely overhauled. The people who saw this injustice happening and did nothing need to be fired also. They were just as traitorous with their silence.
The FBI never went after Biden or Harris or Obama for all of the criminal things that they did when in office. These agents need to be investigated and see what crimes they have committed.