NPR’s recent disciplinary streak continues, as they heavily disciplined an on-air anchor that raised their voice slightly during a broadcast yesterday, sources have confirmed.
“This is not what NPR is all about,” whispered a subdued Katherine Maher, NPR’s CEO. “NPR is all about producing the most monotonous radio you’ve ever heard, reinforcing liberal biases, and suspending anyone that brings attention to these things. It’s a simple formula, and it hasn’t steered us wrong yet. Shame on that man for raising his voice above a dull whisper yesterday. Disgraceful.”
The suspended anchor was shocked to learn of his two-weeks off without pay.
“Just for raising my voice a little?” asked Warren Jones, a co-host of NPR’s All Things Considered that had accidentally let a bit of humanity creep into his voice during yesterday’s show. “I’m sorry, I just thought the news story I was reading about international tensions deserved a little bit of emotion. I thought National Public Radio was a service for the people, but it’s just as corrupt as anything else, huh?”
As of press time, NPR fired several reporters that had mentioned Joe Biden’s age, stability, and voting record.
NPR is not completely supported by individual donations; its main support is through taxpayer’s money. If it cannot maintain politically neutral, Congress should remove all funding ASAP.
No more contributions to NPR from me!
I’ve contributed for years, thinking they were neutral when it came to politics. I’m so disappointed in them
I agree with NOR on this.
In fact, I’ll take it to the next level: Based on their content, they should order their DJ’s to speak silently.
This station show their bias and stupidity