After totally eating shit onto the Oval Office floor early in the day, President Joe Biden has announced his intention to work from the floor today, sources have confirmed.
“The President has rescheduled all of his meetings to be held on the floor of the Oval Office today,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. “At this point, I’d just like to clarify that the President is fine, he just would rather carry on from the floor. Odds are good he’ll end up back down there anyway, so he just wants to get as much work done as possible and not let things like frequent falls and potential head trauma get in the way of today’s Presidential tasks at hand.”
The announcement drew compliments from Biden supporters nationwide.
“That’s our guy, never going to let anything slow him down,” said Will Hazleton, local Democrat. “While I’m definitely, definitely worried about his motor functions, and you know, general ability to navigate the world around him at the age of 81, he’s still so dedicated to his job. You love to see that.”
As of press time, a confused Biden was overheard asking who the President of the United States was.
Really? I don’t believe Joe Biden has worked a day in his life…………
LYing on the sand like a beached whale is his specialty
This should surprise me but it doesn’t . He is safer there anyway. Take he out of the WH and let him work from home.Crayon and drawing paper will do just fine!
At least from that position, if he stumbles and falls….he will not have far to fall. Hope he has on his bike helmet.
I cannot believe how the Democrats still make excuses for the biggest criminal and the dumbest person no matter what happens. This guy needs to go but as long as stupidity is number one for the Democrats thins will continue to get worse.
Biden is the left’s demonstration of their control over elections.
They can put up a feeble, mentally diminished old man who has never accomplished anything of significance in his political or private life against a well accomplished billionaire businessman and win the election, then shut down any challenge to the election though well-placed judges.
Joe shit’s himself daily.
I would expect nothing less from a suit full of shit
It is very plain to see what the demoncrats are up to.Shit pants can not stand -up to the American people wanting a real president for the U.S.A..Lying ,Stealing,crime ridden party of libs is looking for someone to blame and the mental retard is it.We are now seeing him coming apart,and the evil one of this world unable to use him for the next move, must use the number two door.Good old Joe will be given the gold he has sold us out for ,and shuffle into his basement .To do what I do not know,as shit pants,can”t remember anything.
I agree with your comments and accusations, but they can be presented in a different way. I’m waiting for the day that everything that Joe Biden, his brother, and Hunter Biden have done will be addressed and prosecuted accordingly. The entire group of liberals who have trashed America and any chance to keep law and order in this country should be dealt with and “the squad” should be voted out. Congress has become the laughing stock of this country along with the president. I’ve asked never Trumpers why they hate him and the usual response is he is “evil”,he has no morals, he locked children in cages when they came across the border, which is not true….Obama provided the cages, and if I ask them to elaborate they usually just say I hate him.
Brain dead will pardon everyone before he leaves office. We’ve gone from Brain Dead and the Ho to the Ho and who. Hang in there, Matt
This is such crap. Yellow journalism that dumb MAGA’s probably believe is real. I didn’t request that you send this junk to me, so stop!!
I guess they got rid of joe because he is a brilliant constitutional scholar. He might catch on to their communist shenanigans
Your grade school teachers would be ashamed of anyone who wrote this drivel. It takes no skill and just shows your level of 6th grade potty talk. No dignity. Trump is your potty talking, undignified equal.
I don’t care if a candidate slept with anyone outside of marriage (also look at Demo Kennedy and Clinton), does name calling, talks too much, if he loves America and is working to make it better. If you really look at his record and accomplishments Donald Trump is the man for the job. He will stand up to the foreign leaders who are a threat to America and protect our borders. I’m not against people coming into this country legally, but Biden’s border policy has let criminals, rapists, murderers, gangs flow into our country by the thousands and bringing diseases with them that we haven’t seen here for years.If a man can endure all of the false accusations the democrats have thrown out because they are afraid of him and what he can do and still keep going strong is the man fr me
Too bad he’s ended up so far down. Get him to nursing home so he ca rest peacefully. He really is out of it. No one should be so disgraced even rotten people. He is so far gone, he wouldn’t know how to save himself. Harris will get hers eventually too. Their brains are so far scrambled it’s a mess. Talking a lot, but saying nothing of value. The good die young, neither of them are young. Sooner or later the people will open their eyes and minds. Hopefully, it won’t be too late. They must vote right!