POLL: How Are You Spending Halloween Tonight?

How Are You Spending Halloween Tonight?

Comments 6

  1. GC Davis says:

    Lessee, Holy water splashed on all door and frame and windows
    Blessed St. Michael Candles on the porch
    Silver bullets in my pistol.
    Eye of Ra on door.
    Dream Catchers on windows

  2. CPO Bill says:

    Hope I don’t see a kamala mask, that would be really scary!

  3. MAGA Man says:

    Let’s see. I’m 83 so I’m to old for Trick & Treating. Duh, two times Duh.
    Have not had a drink in 50 years. Never watched basketball, watched tiddlywinks instead.
    Never learn to cook. That’s one of the small reasons I got married.
    Defending My Home Against Ghosts and Mummies, by closing my eyes and let the dream roll.

  4. Eloise says:

    I’ve spent Halloween eve watching Amanda Grace on YouTube as she revealed a warning she received in a dream showing Donald Trump lying down and looking very sick. Amanda believes God is warning Trump and his followers through her dream that another assassination attempt is planned — this time using some form of toxin or poison instead of a gun. Halloween means dressing up in costumes and having treat fun for kids. Halloween means covens, curses, and incantations for those embracing the dark side. God protect Trump. MAGA!

  5. Col. Kline says:

    I’ll spend it at octoberfest chasing all the very hot beer wenchs around the bar! Whoo hoo!!!!!

    • Sgt. Shultz says:

      Yes col. Klink! I’ll see you at the fest hall in alpine Helen, Georgia! Hogan will be there!

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