POLL: What is the Biggest Lie in Kamala Harris’ Book?

What is the Biggest Lie in Kamala Harris’ Book?

Comments 19

  1. She is not smart enough to lead our country. She is a puppet of her press core.p

  2. Stan says:

    She’s dumber than a rock.

  3. GSM says:

    This is the epitome of a evil liar. She has conned her way up every man’s leg she could find.
    Everything about her debate with Trump was a lie Hillary was in the ear piece. Right down to even the head movements
    Kamala is a anchor baby and has never been legal to be VP or president. Our law says you must have at least one natural born American citizen parent Neither one of hers was. And her dad and his parents owned and operated a slave plantation And she is India not black . Like all democrats . The truth never touches their lying lips

    • Al Bag Daddi says:

      Aww come on now. She has two redeeming traits….a big mouth and lack of a gag reflex

  4. Gerald Hallman says:

    If she was struck by lightning for every lie she has told, she would be glowing so much an astronomer on he other side of the universe could claim the discovery of a neutron star.

  5. Dan says:

    My Golden Retriever is smarter and more loyal than Clamedia will ever be.

  6. Robin Bender says:

    After watching her video from the Al Smith dinner, I am more convinced than ever that even her own campaign team doesn’t like her…and hopes Trump wins. Very sad candidate!!!

  7. Don Mcmahan says:

    HE HIS A MAN).

  8. Eloise says:

    Kam the Sham is a lazy, phony, immoral, cheating, dishonest, plagarizing, leftist puppet married to a women-abusing husband and I pray that God will protect America from ever having those two evil clowns as President and First Whatever. What a nightmare. The Biden administration has done plenty of harm to our country. Kamala and her nasty hubby would finish America off, because that’s what their puppet masters Obama, Soros, and all the rest of the leftist globalist anti-America ‘elites’ are aiming for. Vote for Trump! God save America!

  9. Jean Foster says:

    Was it doing that Some pretty intelligent, outstanding, week-known people support her. Even kind, thoughtful, loving,,everyday people support her. Why? The only reason I’ve heard so far is they hate Trump. Where did all this hatred for Trump come from? Why can’t they take away their hatred and look at the facts? They say Trump is a womanizer. Will generally every president we’ve had has been that. Look at Kennedy.. In fact, it seems like most men of power and money are womanizers. This shouldn’t upset anyone. I cried to see all the hatred going on. Logic has gone out the window.

  10. John Buro says:

    Let’s face it if her mouth is moving she is lying, the problem is we need a translator to decipher what she is saying.

    • Nancy says:


    • Olivia says:

      I speak salad

      • Fred says:

        I, also speak salad. It’s taught in public centers of higher(?) education. It’s a combination of gobbledygook, nonsense and superfluous words strung together in a way the speaker believes will showcase their intellect. It’s democrat political science 101. I’ve been studying the rat bastards for 40 years. They defy logic.

  11. Patrick Henry says:

    The democrats are brain dead. They believe everything their leaders tell them. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. They need to be locked up to protect society.

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