POLL: What Show Will Joe Biden Go On First After His Presidency Ends?

What Show Will Joe Biden Go On First After His Presidency Ends?

Comments 6

  1. bruce harmsen says:

    The View is a program so Out of Touch with ordinary Americans that it is the proper place for Biden who is the same. So he should become another member spewing out words.

  2. Joan says:

    Disney owns ABC they are woke all the way they will allow the view to stay on with all their the rambling nonsense they do about trump. They should call themselves the HATe club for trump. Neve mind we the people on our choice but how they can belittle Trump. If not him when he is gone it will be another republican.

  3. Kate says:

    It will not be naked and afraid. Naked yes as he likes to skinny dip but not afraid

  4. Eloise says:

    OK, let me try to figure out which post-election media shows Joe Biden might appear on. I’m up for the challenge. Hmmm. Well, it depends upon which candidate wins the election — Trump because he received by far the most votes, or Harris because her Marxist puppet masters were yet again able to cheat their way into victory. The anti-America media moguls who control the Democrat/Marxist Liberal Lame Stream Media will decide what TV shows, news programs, and podcasts their corrupt, carefully scripted puppets Biden and Harris may appear on, but if Donald Trump wins the election and becomes president despite the Democrats’ ballot stealing, computer-manipulating, and voter rolls polluted with dead people and non-citizen voters, then pro-America, irrepressible Donald Trump will be the one to decide which shows HE wishes to go on as he begins to pursue his God-given assignment to rid our nation of it’s destructive Democrat-supported Marxist policies, it’s debauched wokeism, and it’s corruption of all our government agencies and departments. Trump will have plenty to say as he works to restore fairness and fact-based journalism to our nation’s air ways, while also restoring liberty, truth, and justice, and respect for our laws and our Constitution to America. God protect Trump. MAGA!

  5. Patrick Henry says:

    We need a constitutional amendment to burn all the traitors alive.

  6. Alec Baldwin says:

    If he goes on the spew, will he make more sense than Whoopi? How wet will behar get? Will Joe wear his aviators? Can he stay awake for an hour? Whose hair will he sniff first? It will be Fascinating!

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