POLL: What is Kamala Harris’ Best Quality?

What is Kamala Harris’ Best Quality?

Comments 25

  1. David Bertram says:

    She is unfit to serve the people in any way shape or form. She is corrupted in the most dangerous way and will destroy this great country.

    • Joe says:


    • Willie Brown says:

      I beg to differ. She serviced me just fine!!

    • S says:


    • Nancy says:

      I agree. She is evil and will destroy our great country. She is great at telling lies.

    • Monica Auger says:

      You are sooo correct!!! The missing “‘optional” vote would be …..IS harris qualified or fit for ANYTHING??? LMAO!! It really amazes me how someone who _plain & simple REFUSEd to follow a DIRECT ORDER from her “boss” had done her best to “:hide” how bad biden’s dementia had gotten,…then eventually helped cause his removal from running for re-election, (I am NO fan of biden). &hwr firing of so many of her staff under her terrible workplace behavior…and she thinks she’ ll be elected???

  2. Jaeson Cayne says:

    I justwatched her interview on Fox and she never answers any questions. YOU ask her a question on the border, and she starts about Trump. Ask about transgender operations for prisioners again she goes to Trump. She was the worst vice president in the history of this country and if she becomes president she will be even worse then Biden. Vote red

  3. TERRY L WILSON says:


  4. MAGA Man says:

    I see most of you don’t know what her job is.
    On Jan. 20, 2025 she will report to Cal, New Wild West
    bar and cat house, as their only employee as head
    bar-keep and cat-house madam.

  5. TERRY L WILSON says:


    • Monica Auger says:

      YEP,…also ..rather nervous, very insecure, lazy, an excellent liar ,totally unqualified and unfit for most jobs, stupid. disrespectful, insulting to many , and very irresponsible!!!

  6. Eloise says:

    She’s the perfect replacement for Joe Biden — she, like Joe, will willingly be controlled by behind-the-scenes anti-America New Wirld Order anti-freedom, Marxist globalists with an evil agenda to end sovreignty of nations, she is corrupt like the Bidens and will self-enrich herself and her girlfriend-slapping hubby while allowing bribe-paying enemies like Communist China to invade every system in our nation, she makes no sense when speaking just like Joe, and she will vacation like Joe while America is over-run and destroyed by migrant drug cartels, violent rapists, no-bail-required criminals, and gangs of teenagers who beat up and eject home owners from their homes, and take illegal possession of those homes. That’s what America has become under the Biden/Harris administration. Korrupt Kamala will continue this evil agenda if elected. Vote for Trump! God save America!

    • Monica Auger says:

      Sooo frighteningly true!!! For HER refusing to follow a direct ORDER from her “boss” thousands of innocents have been harmed, hurt and have died!! Their blood on her hands will NEVER wash away and her REGRET will haunt her forever!! She will NEVER “RIP”

  7. Samuel Quiroz Jr says:

    Trump is right again, Kamala is demented. She is a a pathological liar. And she definitely is in need of help from psychiatrist.

  8. Robert Larry Borchardt says:

    It’s obviously her big mouth. And low gag reflex. Has moved her up the political ladder very fast.

  9. JustMe says:

    Her best position is on her knees, in front of Willie Brown! Most people that have even investigated a little bit, knows it’s the same way she climbed the political ladder.

  10. Paul Stanaford says:

    When ambition exceeds ability at Kamala,’s level, there is no limit to the lies she will tell and the slander she will spew at any and every opponent.
    What a disaster she has been as VP !
    I can not conceive of the damage this country will experience with Kamala.as President.
    Please vote for Trump!

  11. Rick says:

    I heard she is a great satisfier from Willie Brown!

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