POLL: Who Will Endorse Kamala Harris Next?

Who Will Endorse Kamala Harris Next?

Comments 8

  1. Donna Bailey says:

    It’s driving Hillary nuts because Kamala has been hand picked and appointed to run as Dem Prez. and some RINOS are supporting her along with Barak and several Hollywood Elites. Even thought the Democratic voters did not get a primary to choose another candidate, in which if I was a Dem. I would be livid over this, but then again they get what they voted supposedly voted for in 2020, then he got the shaft by the clan and then the clan pushed Kamala on the Dem voters. Hopefully that’ll alone will make many of them vote Republican.

  2. Consumer KK says:

    Oh I’m sure a cat-fight would be in order.

  3. dwight w says:

    Jimmy is still alive and said he cast his absentee ballot for her already.

  4. Dakotabloe says:

    Jimmys not dead yet. Unlike joe biden.

  5. Eloise says:

    She will be endorsed by yet another radical leftist CCP/Deep State-bribed-and-controlled show biz or media celebrity or retired washed-up leftist politician. It could be any entrenched Trump-hating, anti-God, anti-America, Marxist, pro-Open Borders, narcissistic, pedophilic, deceitful, arrogant, Kamala-praising fool. Kamala and those who endorse her are leftist puppets, like Joe Biden. Let’s cut the puppet strings and send those evil leftist puppet masters and their minions back to Hell. Vote for Trump! MAGA!

  6. American says:

    Hillary didn’t even make the short list for kamalas veep just goes to show you how much her own party doesn’t want her twice she tried to win the last was President Trump the very man she lied about with that fake Steele dossier she tried to pass off as Russian intel favoring Trump that hoax blew up in her face to and her personal server that Comey lied about to cover for her what she’s looking at is she’s just evil look how she was when 4 men on her watch as sec of state got killed for lack of help for them their deaths are on her! Look what harris picked leftist disgraced white man who lied about is rank in the Guard and all his other wacko statements but the one truth nobody really talks about is his love for communist China and how it changed his life he’s so bad his own family won’t even vote for him their voting for Trump because of his commie beliefs that’s bad real bad WOW! So we have unhinged Hillary and this knuckhead we are in deep trouble with is combination of trouble! Say Kamala you’ve been the leftist veep for the past 3 yrs 10 mos and you stated on National TV you wouldn’t change a thing you and biden did does that mean your going to make it worse here in American for the people I think that is going to be your plan Destroy this once Great Country before you and biden took office!

  7. Robert Laford says:

    i was surprised Kamaltoe did not pick another woman for VP. Hildabeast was neve in the running. There is talk of Kamaltoe not certifying Trump’s win in January. GOP should have a “what if” legal plan. Not like what they did with the Actblue story that emerged 6 months ago and now, only 2 weeks before the election are the Republican’s calling for an investigation.

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