POLL: Who Did Joe Biden Pardon From Death Row?

Who Did Joe Biden Pardon From Death Row?

Comments 5

  1. Dr John D Stauffer, DMin says:

    Better yet than me. The why of the who. If one is convicted based on the crime of murder , child abuse and all of the types should be be forgiven but not political and don’t put me on the deceision making team.

  2. Robert Adcock says:

    The Riddler and Hunter have suffered enough! End their lives now!

  3. Vetmike says:

    The Hamburgler has been on Death Row for a very long time. Free the Hamburgler!


    First said no he wouldnt release Hunter and then changed his mind. He’s a liar and shouldn’t have been president Cant wait until he is gone. Doesn’t care about America.

  5. 2004done says:

    WHERE’S the “E – All Of The Above” option?

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