POLL: If The US Got Rid Of One State, What Should It Be?

If The US Got Rid Of One State, What Should It Be?

Comments 47

  1. Stephen Boisvert says:

    Ok, California then

    • Louie says:

      Thank you. As a proud Californian I would be happy to leave this govt and spend all the federal taxes we pay on California and stop subsidizing the rest of the country

      • Gary Brown says:

        California taxes you to death before federal taxes even kick in. Let’s see how you do without any federal funds that you utilize. Good luck with your illegal aliens that your legislature loves so much. Don’t step in any shit while you walk on the sidewalk “proud ” Californian.

        • Louie says:

          You are 100% wrong and anyone who falls for that line is a blind fool. When Pres Trump passed his 4 trillion.give away to multimillionaires and billionaires he limited fed deduction to $10k interest and property tax paid on middle class Americans homes he raised my fed tax by over $11,000 a year.

          • Ssquiggy says:

            That’s not the taxes I paid! You need a new tax accountant, Louie!!

        • Dakotahjoe says:

          If CA left they would still have the 4th largest economy in the WORLD. So the fact is they would not miss us. Texas and Alaska have some oil so they could survive, not well, but survive. Florida has Disney and would survive. But states like Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, South Dakota? Bye Bye.

          • Fred Tiegmeyer says:

            Dakotajoe, take the cock otta your ass, it’s hitting your brain.

      • MAGA Man says:

        Funny Ha, ha, ha.

      • roaming gnome says:

        I think you better wake up and take a good look around you, You have a governor that could give a shit about you. And you don’t subsidize the rest of the country, it’s the other way around. California’s dept just keeps growing and growing, sence you all can’t see beyond the blinders you have on, you won’t even vote out the governor and get someone that will bring california back to a livable standard for the common men or woman.

        • Jawbreaker says:

          It’s not just the governor they won’t vote out of office, they keep voting for that worn out old hag Pelosi. She should be the poster child for term limits.

      • Joseph G Bruton says:

        I left California as a Senior in High School and now in Tennessee have NEVER, and will not, look back!

        • Louie says:

          I don’t blame you. It’s tough to survive in a state that is so desirable because of the opportunity or weather that people want to live here. A family house costs $1-3 million. You gotta work your ass off or gtfo. Also Tennessee receives approximately $1.27 in federal spending for every dollar it pays in federal taxes. This makes Tennessee a “recipient state,” benefiting from more federal funds than it contributes, unlike “donor states” such as California. Good for you enjoy your life, but remember it’s my taxes that help you so try not to hate. We are all patriotic Americans we should love each other.

      • Rhonda Eastep says:

        We really only need to get rid of the sliver along the Pacific coast. The rest can stay. LOL

        • Jawbreaker says:

          That was supposed to be voted on years ago. The strip from San Francisco to San Diego was to remain California and the rest of the state was going to be New California. Whatever happened with that?

      • Murphy Miller says:

        Your federal taxes are the same as everyone else except you want your State taxes to be deductible on your federal taxes. Actually, the remainder of the country subsidized California.

        • Louie says:

          California is considered a “donor state,” receiving only $0.65 for every dollar it pays in federal taxes, making it one of the least dependent states on federal aid. In comparison, states like New Mexico and West Virginia receive significantly more, with returns of $3.69 and $3.09 per dollar, respectively. California’s return is lower than many other states, which often receive more than they contribute due to factors like lower state revenue and higher federal aid dependency

      • Eliot says:

        Would we all!!!!

      • Theresia Pinheiro says:

        According to Federal Records Year Ending 2024. California paid $201,781 (in Millions) to Federal Government in taxes, fees, etc., which .makes California the #1 state paying highest amount to Federal Government. However in same Year End 2024, California also received the most money in Federal Aid, Grants and Funding. In fact California received the highest percentage amount of 42% of their budget that fiscal year came from the Federal Government. This percentage rate does not include any funding from COVID, which ended May 2023. Few California’s are aware that their state receives such huge amounts of Federal Funding.

        • Dakotahjoe says:

          Most of that aid was disaster funding.

          • Jawbreaker says:

            I bet most of it was spent supporting the illegal immigrants in a sanctuary state.

          • Theresia Pinheiro says:

            It was noted that the COVID money given to the states ended on.May 2023. Basically it appears on state of California’s Treasury Dept. records that Federal COVID Aid money was used in part by Governor Newsom to pay the principal for loans that California took out to supplement the budget when it was overdrawn. My guess is the costs for supporting illegals and bad spending by California’s Legislators and Governor. Sadly the state of California went back to borrowing huge sums. California owes Lenders close to $1 Trillion and that’s the principal only. Govenor Newsom spends as if California population hasn’t decreased. Accordingly to state treasury records less than 47% of its population pay taxes. The remaining population receive benefits from Welfare, Social Security and Medicaid, which is another major reason California has to borrow.

          • Tommy Thompson says:

            The shit hole is a disaster, alright.

      • Vetmike says:

        Doesn’t CA have some sort of ballot initiative law whereby you can put a proposal on the ballot?

      • CB says:

        You are on the the path for a two state solution, like West Virginia and Virginia, it’s up to you keep the train in motion, or the fault may make it faster. Lol

      • pzazz says:

        California currently has 1) state and local debt of 558.68 Billion dollars, 2)unfunded liabilities debt of 1.6 Trillion dollars, 3)Bond debt of 79 Billion dollars 4) pension liabilites of 1.6 Trillion dollars currently and going up fast with gavin newsom. With that kind of leadership, California would be doomed on their own. Not to mention being a sanctuary state you would be supporting Non Paying Illegal immigrants now and forever. Kind of lets you know why people are leaving California in droves.

    • DrSique says:

      Yeah, reminds me of the old Superman movie where Gene Hackman was going to nuke the San Andrea’s Fault and drop the west coast into the ocean, creating a brand new coast where he owned all the real estate. Back then, I guess it was right for Superman to stop him…………………today, eh.

  2. Gail Katz says:

    From what I read,,it has appeared, for a number of years,,that certain cities and locations in CA are unsafe and falling apart. It’s, really, a shame. I visited CA many years ago; it was a beautiful,,safe State.

    The officials of this State should be ashamed.
    NYC isn’t so good either.

    • Leslie says:

      I’m a native Californian, born in Montebello in LA county in 1952. I grew up in La Habra and Fullerton in Orange Co. Much of where I was born and grew up is trashed now thanks to the liberal “law and order” and illegal aliens. California was once one of the most desirable states in the union to move to back then. The greedy Dem politicians and “lawmakers” have ruined it. People can’t escape fast enough. My husband, my son and me moved to TN in 1994 due to the high cost of living back then. It’s gotten so much worse now. I do not regret my choice to leave. Politics had nothing to do with our decision to move from CA then but now I’m sure glad we moved to a red state!

  3. Bob Michael says:

    Calif. has horrible politics, but Sequoia, Yosemite, Tahoe, Big Sur, Joshua Tree, Death Valley, etc…..

  4. CJ says:

    Getting rid of a state would not help anything. You would still have too many people who are dumber than a bag of hammers! Every state is filled with people who do not know what is going on with our country, let alone the world. They are called democrats!!!

    Sorry folks, but you bring this on yourself!

    • Dakotahjoe says:

      I would bet that CA high school students have a higher GPA than Tennessee or some other Red state. Not sure who is dumber.

      • Texastim says:

        Sure, they can recite all 87 genders, and can memorize pronouns with ease. Men know how to chestfeed, and can dance in a skirt. They can roll a joint with one hand while navigating the turd ridden streets of San Francisco. All of that counts to their GPA

  5. Claudio says:


  6. Michael Brooks says:

    Have the wall completed to the AZ/CA border and stop.
    Remove funding to Scantuary Cities
    Remove any Federal funding to the entire State
    Newsome is a threat to the unity of the Country
    Shut down CA ports

    • Leslie says:


    • Jawbreaker says:

      I’ve been saying to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities and states for ages. I’ve also been a big supporter of term limits. Keeping old hags like Pelosi in office for decades is one of the things that is destroying our country. Politicians get in office and treat it like a lifetime job. Maybe if there were term limits they’d treat it like a regular job where you can get fired at any time. Make the politicians have the same health care that everyone else has to have. Maybe they’d make some real changes in health care. Tell them that once they’re out of office their benefits stop, just like a regular job. Remind them that they work for the people, not the other way around. When they want a raise they have to go to the people and request a vote for a raise. No more voting themselves a raise whenever they feel like it. There should be mandatory drug testing, the same that I’m required to take. Anyone failing a drug test is gone. Unfortunately nothing will change because people are blinded by the freebies the left hands out, not seeing that all the liberals are doing is buying their vote. They’re too blind to see the democrats want you to rely on and depend on them for your survival. The liberals want this because once you’re dependent on them they can start taking your rights away from you, and you’ll never see it coming when they get to start controlling what you read, hear on the radio, watch on TV or the movies, what you can say or think, or how you dress. They will control every aspect of your life and you will be helpless to stop it. North Korea, China, Russia, Cuba – they didn’t just change overnight. It was a long time plan. The same thing is happening in the US of A. right now. Those of us that can see this are called radical and other names. But when the SHTF we’ll be the ones who survive when everyone else is wondering what the hell happened.

  7. Temper says:

    I was looking for New York😂….

  8. Arturo Velasquez says:

    California was a beautiful state back in the 70s and early 80s. Too bad they chose to back politicians that were more interested in their pockets than the welfare of the state and its people. Then to top it off, they try to push their idiotic policies on the rest of the country!!!

    • Leslie says:

      “Welfare” is a key word. Make people dependent on the govt. so the politicians/”lawmakers” can live it up at taxpayers’ expense. CA is mostly a welfare state. Your usage of the word “welfare” is no longer existent. If it’s not too late, CA needs to go back to caring about the welfare of its citizens and not govt handouts to illegals.

  9. Bill says:

    Why are there only 4 states to choose from?You kinda stacked the deck there!

    • Leslie says:

      Right. Why are Alaska, Florida and Texas on the list and why aren’t so many others on the list? Texas and Florida’s govts are trying very hard without any help from the federal govt and the politicians. If the state lawmakers would be able to make decisions without interference, they wouldn’t have some of the problems that they have. I’m not sure why Alaska is on the list but many more need to be.

  10. alma nachison says:

    Actually, I think NY causes more problems, even though I live in the predominately red parts of most of NY State – could we just eliminate the greater NYC area and the sh*t stain that goes all the way up from there to Albany?

    • 2004done says:

      Sorry, no, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, et alia are almost as blue. I live where IBM, Singer Link, and Universal Instruments were born, but now S.U.N.Y. and United Health are the biggest area industries creating the latest versions of “Zipper Heads” to be found.

  11. Will says:

    Ok, California. The people have overwhelmingly spoken. GTFO!!

  12. glen smith says:

    Calif. is too important strategically, economically, and too apt to go rouge. Calif. needs the USA to moderate its liberalism. Fla. and Ala. are too important strategically. Russia would be all over Alaska. Texas would impact the US statistics but would remain allied with the USA. The issue with Texas might be that by 2040 the population will be majority Hispanic.

  13. Hatman1793 says:

    Please get rid of Washington state, Oregon, New York, & Illinois too.
    All rotten to the core. All broke & highly infested with hard-core liberals, eco-terrorists, & green-washers.
    These miscreant states should form an alliance, declare independence & leave the rest of us alone!

  14. OhioSucks says:

    I was hoping Ohio would be listed….

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